Rodent is a gnawing mammal. There are more species of rodents, and probably more individuals, than there are of all other mammals combined. They include beavers, chipmunks, mice, porcupines, rats, and squirrels. Rodents breed so swiftly that they would soon overrun the earth if they were not the prey of almost all flesh-eaters. Most rodents are small fur-bearing animals, although some, such as the porcupine, develop spiny quills.

As a group rodents are destructive pests. They destroy grains and other foods, ruin land with their burrows, and carry various kinds of diseases. There are more than 2,000 species, or kinds, of rodents. Beavers are rodents. So are mice, rats etc.

Life cycle

Controlling rodents become necessary due to its capability to breed at a very fast rate as you can see in the life cycle chart. The gestation period is only 21 days and the weaning takes another 21 days and the mother is ready for the next cycle and the young one mature in about 5 to 9 weeks. A young female rat gives birth to young one about 7 to 8 times and will have about 6 to 12 litters in each.

Our Rodent Control Program

For the effective control of rodent population a combination of trapping and baiting should be done. This means eradication of various species of rodents that have different behavior patterns. Rodents are active at different times of the day & night and are well known carriers of various pathogens causing diseases like plague, leptospirosis, salmonellosis, trichinosis, typhoid fever and others. Their active presence in working premises dwelling also heightens the danger of contamination & infestation.

Our treatment primarily calls for use of relatively safe & highly effective single dose anti-coagulant rodenticides This treatment commences with strategic placement of bait in multi-line defense system First line includes placing bait stations along with compound wall Second line of defense system consists of placing baits along with external perimeters of building to bring infestation under control and monitor these bait station to understand the rodent movement and to take remedial action on time.

Third line of defense consists of placing glue boards and/or extended trigger traps inside infested areas These defense systems ensure that no feed & poison baits are placed inside the buildings.

Rodent Closure

Another important part in the control of rodents is the entry point closure. On taking a new site, we carry out a Technical inspection of the site and identify the entry points the rodents take to gain access into the property. This ensures that the rodents, after consumption of baits, don't gain an entry into the building thus avoid the risk of rodents dying.